SIEMENS SUPPORTS collaborative research

JO BINSTEAD, Head of Innovation for Siemens Mobility’s Rolling Stock business, looks at how collaboration between industry and academia can help the UK remain a world leader in rail


The UK is one of the world’s leading innovators in rail, and this is in no small part thanks to its world leading higher education institutions. The UK’s universities are central to accelerating advancements in technology – all of which have the potential to transform railways both at home and abroad.

As such, the success of the UK’s rail sector is intrinsically linked to the success of its academic institutions. We can’t expect our rail industry to thrive without the right talent, thinking and research, and universities play a crucial role in fostering that.

One of the key mechanisms through which universities and other higher education institutions can receive the funding they need to continue their work is the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund (UKRPIF) – a fantastic initiative which provides Government funding for major new research facilities.

But financial support for universities alone can’t ensure the rail industry maintains its world leading position. What’s needed to really accelerate resea…

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